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"I really don't like it .."

Aggiornamento: 10 gen 2021

"I don't like it"

"the first few times looking at the scar I felt faint".

"I had to bring out a strength I didn't think I had"

The story of an angry scar ...

The first time I met A. it hadn't been long since giving birth and her scar screamed the need for care and listening. And so A. did, following my advice she dedicated herself to her every day, in preparation for our treatment.

When I saw her again, her scar had changed a lot but there was still a lot to work on.

A tissue frozen in the memory of a moment lived in a very different way than the expectations of the heart.

"Now I want to forget". And so even the scar is incorporated into the body, as if to want to hide, but it pulls, makes itself felt, wants to be heard.

So let's listen to her, let's give her permission to come out.

There have been changes since this first treatment ....

Especially the side area has come out, she has finally shown herself ... she has found the courage to introduce herself ...

the swelling decreased a lot

To the touch she too is much more in line with the rest ...

The journey has just begun ... it started from the heart and meeting after meeting will bring back Healing and elaboration

Midwife M. Belen

this is Our Treatment ... this is Us

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