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The scar of mom F and her eyes that catch the light

Aggiornamento: 10 gen 2021

The scar of mom F and her eyes that catch the light

This is the scar that mom F. wears on her skin and in her heart ....

This is the scar that was born two years ago with her little baby T.

This is the story of a mother who had to give up her desire to have a natural birth and to undergo a scheduled caesarean section ....

On the surface it looks like a thin scar that is almost imperceptible. But how much does it carry inside?

Visibly leaning on one side ... under which there is an important adhesion. So white that it seems almost lifeless ....

After just 1 treatment it reactivates, colors, revives, lights up. Just as mom F.'s eyes light up after having perceived her different ....

this is our treatment, these are our results

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